RPh On the Go Refresh
Branding | Website | Testing
RPh On the Go is a well-established pharmacy staffing company. They’ve been known in the industry for years and the goal was to build a brand that showcased the company’s experience to clients, while simultaneously attracting young pharmacists to apply.
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Goal: Build a brand that showcases the company’s experience to clients, while simultaneously attracting young pharmacists to apply.
My Role: Headed up the design strategy, brand design, and UX approach for this project.
Stakeholder Meeting
Following the establishment of our project goal, interviews with leadership and marketing specialists were conducted to get a sense of the ins and outs of RPh On the Go, as well as exploring some visual inspiration.
Competitive Analysis
A competitive analysis was conducted to get a sense of what others in the industry were doing. It was discovered that the majority of pharmaceutical companies used desaturated blues and purples.
Brand Design
RPh On the Go’s brand identity was distilled down to 3 visual pillars: Human-Centric, Modern, Friendly. Multiple iterations were shown to stakeholders before the final brand was selected.
* Note: Stakeholders chose to keep the original logo
The selection of san serif fonts and vibrant colors provide a modern touch to the RPh brand. As a result of the competitive analysis, blues were chosen to keep in line with the industry but they are more vibrant and paired with the accent teal to make the brand stand out in pharmaceutical magazines often used to promote the brand.
The brand’s imagery is that of a diverse workforce, often not showcased in other pharmacy brands. The photos are candid and personal, providing that friendly feel that aligns with one of the 3 pillars.
The pill pattern and pill elements tie in the main focus of RPh On the Go, allowing for more versatile imagery settings and don’t just include pharmacists in white coats, rather as real people.
Website Design
Through research of RPh’s competition, it was noted that the majority of competitors appeared dated and non-inclusive. As a result, it was decided to emphasize RPh’s evolution while still maintaining it’s authority in the industry.
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UX Solutions
From the beginning, it was important to work collaboratively with our SEO team to keep and even better our rankings in Google. This required some thoughtful solutions when it came to the job search pages since some categories needed their own pages without a filter. The solution: create a secondary search bar for category pages that searches within a given category rather than a dropdown filter.
Each microinteraction on the site was created with the intention to amplify ease of use, as well as assist in the consumption of information.